Deinonymous: an Exploration of Truth in Videogames

Prepare to have your mind blown.

Tag: review

Journey – Are we there yet?

by Ludusaurus

An uninspired romp along the road most travelled. A functioning chat system is just one of the many things missing in Journey.

~ Ludusaurus Rex

 Columnist Ludusaurus Rex is a novelist, painter, and urban gardener.  When not working under his pseudonym, Banksy, he blogs about the power of video games to organize anarcho-nihilists into drum circles to celebrate the unexamined disestablishmentarianist underpinnings of Victorian coming-of-age rituals.

Braid – It Jon Blows

by Ludusaurus

It’s Mario meets Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. You cannot rewind the time you’ll waste with this shallow platformer.

~ Ludusaurus Rex

 Columnist Ludusaurus Rex is a writer, poet, and free-thinker.  When not riding his fix-gear, he blogs about the power of video games to tear down the walls that post-modern society has erected between the last vestiges of neoconsumerist forms of expression and the sexual revolution as seen through the eyes of the French-Algerian intelligentsia.